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Harwood Flooring

Cant decide on the style of Harwood you want installed? Let us hep you in making the right decision.

Engineered Hardwood

Engineered flooring stands out as a reliable solution when addressing durability concerns related to moisture, humidity, or Seattle’s varying temperatures. Comprising a veneer of real wood affixed to multiple layers of wood akin to plywood, engineered flooring exhibits commendable stability amidst Seattle’s changing environmental conditions. However, it’s important to consider that despite its resilience, engineered flooring has restrictions on sanding and refinishing, allowing for only a limited number of such procedures.

Solid Hardwood

Choosing solid hardwood for your home is a timeless and practical decision combining aesthetics and durability. The natural beauty of solid hardwood flooring adds a warm and inviting ambiance to any space, creating a sense of elegance and sophistication. In Everett’s diverse climate, hardwood’s stability and resistance to temperature fluctuations make it an ideal choice, ensuring longevity and minimizing the risk of warping or buckling. Solid hardwood offers a unique charm that evolves over time, developing a rich patina that tells the story of your home’s history. Its versatility allows it to complement various interior styles, from classic to contemporary, making it a timeless investment that enhances the overall value of your property.

Carpet Flooring

We offer a wide range of services from high-end decorator retail sales to cash & carry sales to the do-it-yourselfer.

What kind of carpet should i install in my home?

Choosing the best carpet for Seattle involves considering the city’s unique climate, lifestyle, and preferences. Here are some carpet options that are well-suited for the specific conditions in Seattle:


1. Nylon Carpet:
– Durability: Nylon is known for its resilience and durability, making it a suitable choice for high-traffic areas.
– Stain Resistance: Many nylon carpets are treated with stain-resistant coatings, providing protection against spills and stains.
– Versatility: Nylon carpets come in various styles and colors, offering versatility to match multiple home decors.


2. Polyester Carpet:
– Softness: Polyester carpets are known for their soft and luxurious feel underfoot, making them a comfortable option for bedrooms and living rooms.
– Stain Resistance: While not as naturally resistant as nylon, polyester carpets can be treated for improved stain resistance.
– Affordability: Polyester is often a more budget-friendly option than other materials.


3. Wool Carpet:
– Natural Fiber: Wool is a natural and sustainable option known for its softness and luxurious texture.
– Insulation: Wool carpets provide excellent insulation, keeping your home warm in colder months.
– Resilience: Wool fibers have a natural elasticity, allowing them to bounce back to their original shape, making the carpet more resistant to crushing.


4. Berber Carpet:
– Loop Pile Construction: Berber carpets feature a loop pile construction, providing a unique and textured appearance.
– Durability: Berber carpets are durable and resistant to wear, making them suitable for high-traffic areas.
– Stain Resistance: The tight loops make it more resistant to stains, but spills should be promptly cleaned.


5. Cut and Loop Carpet:
– Textured Look: This style combines cut and looped fibers, creating a textured and patterned appearance.
– Hide Stains: The pattern helps to hide stains and wear, making it a practical choice for busy households.
– Versatility: Cut and loop carpets offer various design options for those looking to add visual interest to their floors.


When selecting carpet for Seattle, it’s essential to consider the potential for moisture, durability, and the desire for a comfortable and inviting atmosphere. Consulting with local carpet professionals can provide additional insights and help you find the best carpet that aligns with your preferences and the specific characteristics of Seattle’s environment.

What type of padding is best for my home?

Choosing the right carpet pad for your home in Seattle is crucial, considering the city’s climate, which includes occasional rain and variable weather conditions. Here are some types of carpet padding that work well in Seattle’s environment:


1. Moisture-Resistant Padding:
– Opt. for moisture-resistant padding to guard against potential water damage. This is particularly important in a city like Seattle, where rain is not uncommon.
– Moisture-resistant padding helps prevent the growth of mold and mildew, providing added protection for the carpet and the underlying floor.


2. Fiber Cushion Padding:
– Fiber cushion padding, made from felt or recycled fibers, is known for its resilience and durability.
– It provides a comfortable feel underfoot and can help absorb impact, making it a good choice for areas with heavy foot traffic.


3. Rubber Padding:
– Rubber padding is moisture-resistant and provides excellent support for the carpet.
– It is durable and helps insulate against sound and temperature changes, creating a more comfortable and energy-efficient home.


4. Waffle Rubber Padding:
– Waffle rubber padding has a textured surface that circulates air, preventing moisture from being trapped between the pad and the floor.
– It provides good insulation and can enhance the longevity of the carpet.


5. Rebond Padding:
– Rebond padding, made from recycled foam materials, is famous for its cushioning properties.
– It is resilient and can withstand heavy traffic, making it suitable for areas where people frequently walk.


Before making a decision, consider the specific needs of each room, such as the level of foot traffic, potential exposure to moisture, and the desired level of comfort. It’s advisable to consult with a carpet professional or retailer in Seattle to get personalized recommendations based on your preferences and the local climate. Additionally, ensure that the chosen carpet pad meets or exceeds the carpet manufacturer’s recommendations for warranty purposes.

How often does carpet need to be replaced?

The frequency of carpet replacement in Seattle, influenced by factors such as carpet type, location, foot traffic, and maintenance practices, varies across different home areas. In high-traffic zones like hallways and living rooms, carpets may need replacement every 5 to 10 years, while those in lower-traffic spaces like bedrooms could last 10 to 15 years or more. The quality of the carpet is a crucial determinant, with higher-grade carpets typically exhibiting more excellent durability. Regular maintenance, including vacuuming and prompt cleaning of spills in Seattle’s occasionally rainy climate, is crucial to extending carpet life. Additionally, considering moisture-resistant padding and stain-resistant treatments can mitigate potential damage. Homeowners may also opt for replacement based on personal preferences and evolving interior design trends, making periodic inspections for wear, matting, and stains important in deciding when to replace carpets. Consulting with local carpet professionals in Seattle can offer tailored insights to navigate the specific conditions and preferences of the area.

Ceramic Tile Flooring

Ceramic tile may be the only flooring material that truly works in any room of the house. 

What are the advantages of ceramic tile over other floor covering materials?

Ceramic tile offers distinct advantages over other floor covering materials, particularly in Seattle’s unique environment. Firstly, ceramic tiles are exceptionally durable, providing a robust flooring solution that can withstand the variable weather conditions, occasional rain, and heavy foot traffic prevalent in Seattle. Their resistance to moisture makes them an ideal choice, especially in damp areas. Additionally, ceramic tiles are known for their low maintenance requirements, making them suitable for busy households and ensuring longevity in a city where time-consuming upkeep might not be practical. The vast range of styles and designs available allows homeowners in Seattle to choose ceramic tiles that complement their eclectic tastes and the diverse architectural styles found in the city. The calm surface of ceramic tiles can also be advantageous in Seattle’s milder climate, offering a refreshing contrast during warmer seasons. Overall, the durability, moisture resistance, low maintenance, aesthetic versatility, and suitability for Seattle’s climate make ceramic tiles compelling for homeowners seeking a reliable and visually appealing flooring option.

Will the tile crack or chip?

While ceramic tiles are generally durable, they are not immune to cracking or chipping. The likelihood of tile cracking or chipping depends on various factors, including the quality of the tile, the installation process, and the conditions to which the tiles are exposed. Here are some factors to consider:


1. Substrate Preparation: Proper substrate preparation (the surface on which the tiles are installed) is crucial. Uneven or unstable surfaces can contribute to tile cracking. A well-prepared and level substrate can reduce the risk.


2. Tile Quality: Higher-quality ceramic tiles are often more resistant to cracking and chipping. Choosing tiles that meet industry standards and are appropriate for the intended use and location is advisable.


3. Installation Techniques: The installer’s expertise and adherence to recommended installation practices play a significant role. Only adequately installed tiles, especially those with adequate adhesive or grout, may be more prone to damage.


4. Subfloor Movement: Subfloor movement, caused by factors like settling or temperature fluctuations, can impact tile integrity. Properly designed expansion joints and flexible adhesives can help accommodate some movement.


5. Impact and Heavy Loads: Dropping heavy objects or subjecting tiles to extreme impact can result in chipping or cracking. Using the correct type of tile for specific areas, such as choosing a more durable option for high-traffic zones, can mitigate this risk.


6. Temperature Changes: Sudden temperature changes or exposure to freezing conditions can affect certain tiles. Choosing tiles suitable for the specific climate in which they are installed is essential.


While tile cracking or chipping is possible, proper installation, material selection, and maintenance practices can significantly reduce these risks. Regular inspections, prompt repairs for damaged tiles, and following the manufacturer’s guidelines for care and maintenance can contribute to the longevity of ceramic tile floors. Consulting with a professional installer and choosing high-quality tiles appropriate for the intended use are essential steps in minimizing the potential for cracking or chipping.

What is the best way to calculate to correct quantity of tile needed?

Calculating the correct quantity of tile needed involves measuring the area to be tiled and considering factors such as tile size, layout, and potential waste. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you calculate the correct quantity of tiles:


1. Measure the Area:
– Measure the length and width of the floor or wall to be tiled. Multiply these dimensions to find the area’s total square footage or square meters.


2. Tile Size:
– Determine the size of the tiles you plan to use. Tile sizes are typically given in square inches or square centimeters.


3. Consider Wastage:
– Account for Wastage, which includes tiles that may be cut during installation or damaged. Industry standards often recommend adding 5-10% to the total quantity to accommodate Wastage. Consider adding a higher percentage if the tile pattern or layout is intricate.


4. Calculations:
– Divide the total square footage of the area by the size of one tile (in square feet or square meters) to find the total number of tiles needed.
Round up to the nearest whole number since you can’t purchase a fraction of a tile.


5. Account for Patterns:
– If you plan to create a specific pattern, consider how it might affect tile placement and cutting. This may impact the quantity needed.


6. Add Extra for Special Tiles:
– If you use unique tiles for borders or accents, calculate them separately and add them to the total.


7. Check Manufacturer Recommendations:
– Some tile manufacturers provide specific recommendations for calculating quantities based on their products. Check their guidelines for additional insights.


8. Consult with a Professional:
– If you need clarification or are dealing with a complex layout, consider consulting with a professional installer or a tile specialist who can provide tailored advice.


Remember that it’s always better to purchase more tiles than you think you’ll need to account for any unexpected issues during installation. Having extra tiles can be helpful for future repairs or replacements.

How thick should grout be for tile?

When considering grout line thickness for tiles in Seattle, it’s essential to consider both aesthetic preferences and practical considerations associated with the local climate. Seattle’s climate, characterized by occasional rain and moisture, may influence specific preferences:


1. Moisture Resistance:
– In areas prone to moisture, such as bathrooms or entryways, a slightly wider grout line may be preferred to allow for better water runoff and minimize the risk of water infiltration between tiles.


2. Maintenance and Cleanliness:
– Seattle’s climate can lead to more frequent cleaning needs, especially in areas exposed to rain and foot traffic. Homeowners may opt for grout lines that are easier to clean and maintain. A balance between aesthetics and practicality is crucial.


3. Tile Types:
– Consider the type of tiles used, as some materials may require specific grout line thickness for optimal performance in Seattle’s climate. Natural stone tiles, for example, may benefit from broader grout lines to accommodate variations in size and prevent water penetration.


4. Visual Appeal:
– Seattle’s diverse architectural styles and interior design preferences may influence the desired aesthetic. Homeowners might choose grout line thickness based on whether they prefer a more traditional, rustic appearance or a sleek, modern look.


5. Consultation with Professionals:
– Consulting with local tile professionals or installers in Seattle can provide valuable insights. Professionals familiar with the local climate and design trends can offer recommendations tailored to the area’s specific needs.


Ultimately, the grout line thickness should align with the homeowner’s preferences and the practical considerations of Seattle’s climate. Striking a balance between aesthetic appeal and functionality will contribute to a visually pleasing and resilient tile installation in this Pacific Northwest city.

Luxury Vinyl Plank

Vinyl flooring is another traditional flooring option for areas that are exposed to moisture.

What is the difference between luxury vinyl plank and luxury vinyl tile and sheet vinyl flooring?

Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP), Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT), and sheet vinyl flooring are all popular flooring choices, each with unique characteristics. In the context of Seattle’s diverse climate and lifestyle preferences, understanding the differences between these options is crucial:


1. Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP):
Appearance: LVP is designed to mimic the look of hardwood flooring. It comes in long, narrow strips, replicating the appearance of traditional wood planks.
Installation: LVP is typically installed as individual planks using a click-and-lock or glue-down method. It’s a popular choice for homeowners seeking the warmth of wood without the maintenance challenges.
Durability: LVP is known for its durability, making it suitable for high-traffic areas. It is moisture-resistant, which can be advantageous in Seattle’s climate with occasional rain.


2. Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT):
Appearance: LVT is crafted to resemble various tile materials such as ceramic or stone. It comes in individual tiles with a wide range of styles and patterns.
Installation: Similar to LVP, LVT uses click-and-lock or glue-down methods. It allows homeowners to achieve the look of tile without the cold feel or maintenance concerns.
Versatility: LVT offers versatility in design, making it a popular choice for kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas where the appearance of tile is desired.


3. Sheet Vinyl Flooring:
Appearance: Sheet vinyl comes in large rolls and can emulate a variety of flooring materials, including hardwood, tile, or stone.
Installation: Sheet vinyl is installed as a single, continuous sheet, offering a seamless look when properly installed. It may require professional installation for optimal results.
Cost-Effective: Sheet vinyl is often more cost-effective than LVP or LVT, making it a budget-friendly option. However, it may have a slightly different visual appeal.


In Seattle, where the climate can be damp and rainy, all three types of luxury vinyl flooring offer moisture resistance and durability benefits. The choice between LVP, LVT, or sheet vinyl depends on individual preferences, the desired aesthetic, and specific functional requirements for different home areas. Consulting with local flooring professionals in Seattle can provide tailored advice based on the city’s unique climate and design trends.

Can vinyl flooring be repaired?

Yes, vinyl flooring can be repaired, and the extent of the repair will depend on the nature and severity of the damage. Here are common types of vinyl flooring damage and potential repair solutions:


1. Scratches:
– Repair: A vinyl floor repair kit can often address Minor scratches on vinyl flooring. These kits typically include materials to fill in and mask the scratches, restoring the floor’s appearance.


2. Gouges or Cuts:
– Repair: welding may be employed for deeper gouges or cuts. This involves using a heat gun to soften the vinyl and pressing the damaged edges back together. A patch or filler material may sometimes be used for a more substantial repair.


3. Burns or Heat Damage:
– Repair: Burns or heat damage can be challenging to repair. Still, minor burns may be addressed by carefully trimming away the damaged area and replacing it with a patch cut from a hidden or inconspicuous flooring area.


4. Stains:
– Repair: Stains on vinyl flooring can often be cleaned using appropriate vinyl floor cleaners. A mixture of baking soda and water or specialized stain removers may be effective for stubborn stains.


5. Loose Edges or Corners:
– Repair: If the edges or corners of the vinyl are lifting, a vinyl adhesive can be used to reattach them to the subfloor. It’s essential to clean and prepare the area before applying the adhesive for a secure bond.


6. Replacement of Damaged Planks or Tiles:
– Repair: In cases where individual planks or tiles are severely damaged and cannot be repaired, they can be replaced. Many vinyl flooring products are designed for easy replacement, and you can find matching pieces for a seamless repair.


When planning repairs, it’s essential to consider the type of vinyl flooring and its specific characteristics. Additionally, for extensive or challenging maintenance, seeking the assistance of a professional flooring installer may ensure a more successful outcome. Regular maintenance and prompt attention to any damage can prolong the life of vinyl flooring and minimize the need for extensive repairs.

Can luxury Vinyl Plank be installed over tile?

Luxury vinyl plank (LVP) can generally be installed over existing tile flooring, provided that certain conditions are met. Here are some important considerations when installing LVP over tile:


1. Smooth Surface:
– The existing tile surface should be smooth, clean, and free from irregularities. Any grout lines or imperfections in the tile surface may telegraph through the LVP, so it’s crucial to level the surface as needed.


2. Leveling and Subfloor Inspection:
– Check the overall level of the tile floor. If there are any significant variations or dips, it may be necessary to level the floor before installing the LVP. A level subfloor ensures a more stable and even installation.


3. Clean and Dry Surface:
– Ensure the tile floor is thoroughly cleaned and free of debris, dust, or residues. Additionally, the floor must be arid before installing the LVP.


4. Grout Joints:
– If the existing tile has broad grout lines, it’s advisable to use a leveling compound to fill in the grout lines and create a smoother surface. This helps prevent the grout lines from telegraphing through the LVP.


5. Tile Adhesion:
– LVP can be installed over well-adhered tiles. However, if the tiles are loose or there are concerns about the tile’s adhesion to the subfloor, it may be necessary to address those issues before installing the LVP.


6. Transition Strips:
– Consider using transition strips at doorways or where the LVP meets other types of flooring. This helps create a seamless transition and accommodates potential height differences.


7. Subfloor Stability:
– Ensure that the subfloor beneath the tile is stable and in good condition. LVP is a floating floor, and a stable subfloor contributes to the long-term performance of the installation.


Before proceeding with the installation, following the manufacturer’s guidelines for the specific LVP product you’ve chosen is essential. Some manufacturers may have specific recommendations or requirements for installing their products over tile, and following these guidelines ensures a successful and warranty-compliant installation. Additionally, consulting with a professional installer can provide valuable insights and help address specific considerations for your project.


Try out one of the most accessible budgeting tools for your flooring needs. The pricing below is an average for the Seattle Region Area in 2024. Feel Free to Reach out and ask any Questions.

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